We have supported and helped grow some of the most iconic startups in the food tech sector over the past eight years.

Prior to founding Synthesis Capital, we helped build CPT Capital, which pioneered investment in alternative proteins globally, investing in 35 companies, including:

Plant-based 🌺

Los Angeles


Plant-based 🌺

San Francisco


Recombinant 🌻

San Francisco


Cultivated 🥀

San Francisco


Recombinant 🌻

San Francisco


Cultivated 🥀

San Diego

Cultivated 🥀

Tel Aviv


Single-cell 🌷

Glasgow, UK


Single-cell 🌷



Recombinant 🌻



Plant-based 🌺



We’ve been trusted partners to founders and CEOs of the next generation of global food companies.

“As one of the very first dedicated alternative protein investors, and with their broader work such as the FAIRR initiative, they have developed leading expertise in the sector… they have been value-add partners to us from the start.”

Uma Valeti,
Co-founder and CEO,
Upside Foods (Memphis Meats)

“As first-time founders, their support and expertise within the alternative protein sector has been a valuable asset in our journey. Rosie and Costa’s passion for helping companies have real impact and strong financial performance sets them apart and makes them an ideal partner for any company looking to create a kinder, more sustainable food future.”

Ryan Pandya and Perumal Gandhi,
Perfect Day

“They have always brought a founder-level vision of what the ecosystem of alternative protein companies will look like — and then done everything possible to help the teams they’ve bet on succeed. They have been highly effective Board members, fantastic advisors on hiring executives, punchy ambassadors of the brand in the press, and able to make just about any introduction we’ve asked for.”

Alex Lorestani,
Co-founder and CEO,

“As investors, they have provided advice, support and access to their broad network. They have also challenged us and helped us to hone our plans and assumptions regarding product, technology, go-to-market strategy and business model. In his capacity as board member, Costa has become an integral part of the company’s leadership, a close advisor of its management team, and an outstanding representative of the company.”

Eshchar Ben Shitrit,
Co-founder and CEO,
Redefine Meat

“They have supported our vision and helped us navigate the often noisy and contradictory environment of investment interest… we are so grateful to have them as early and ongoing partners to change the food system.”

Christie Lagally,
Founder and CEO,
Rebellyous Foods

“Costa and Rosie’s deep expertise in the alternative protein space, paired with their ability to identify and understand the most promising commercial opportunities, makes them both shrewd investors and more importantly, makes them great partners from a start-up’s perspective.”

Didier Toubia,
Aleph Farms